
After the maturation and storage period, the cachaças from Engenho do Coronel are transferred to the standardization vats when the filtering stage takes place, carried out in 5 special charcoal and copper filters to retain possible impurities, reduce acidity and particles copper. In the next step, the cachaça is homogenized and standardized to an alcohol content of 40% VOL.

Free from any impurity, the cachaças are packaged in different sizes and shapes of bottles, previously sanitized and sterilized. The bottles receive the screw caps and pass through the light table, where the rigorous quality control is carried out for the verification of the final product. After this test, the labeling, sealing, packaging, storage and distribution process begins.
The final product, characterized by its distinctive quality, aroma and flavor, represents the care taken with the handling and cleaning of the sugarcane and all the utensils/machinery necessary for the production of cachaça.